Microsoft activesync windows mobile 6.1
Microsoft activesync windows mobile 6.1

microsoft activesync windows mobile 6.1 microsoft activesync windows mobile 6.1

Fixed problem where disabling then enabling ActiveSync wouldn't allow the 'Connection Settings' window to be opened (thanks to Martin Gilligan). Added command line support (run "ActiveSyncToggle /help" for further details). Mobile Device icon in Windows Explorer is now enabled & disabled (Explorer windows must be closed and re-opened to see changes). RAPI Manager process is now enabled & disabled (ActiveSync Version 4 and later). Slight speed improvement when enabling & disabling. ActiveSync can now be disabled even when your PDA is connected (this should also improve the reliability of the disabling process). ActiveSync Toggle allows you to either load or unload ActiveSync from memory whilst also removing the registry key that automatically loads it upon starting Windows. Even more annoying is the fact that if you try to remove the registry entry that automatically loads ActiveSync, it very kindly adds it again (as long as it's running) meaning it always stays open. If, like us, you don't sync your PDA every minute of the day, it means ActiveSync is sitting around in memory using up valuable resources.

microsoft activesync windows mobile 6.1

Well, annoyingly (at the time of writing) Microsoft have yet to include a facility to 'Load ActiveSync at Startup' or even an 'Exit' option from the System Tray Icon. So what's with this ActiveSync Toggle then. It loads itself automatically, syncs your PDA with your PC, then sits there, patiently waiting to synchronise any piece of data that you change. ActiveSync Toggle- wonderful Microsoft program for synchronising data between your PDA and PC.

Microsoft activesync windows mobile 6.1