Windows terminal services port
Windows terminal services port

  • In the Services Administrative Tool (services.msc), the Print Spooler Service must have a status of “Started”.
  • In Group Policy, “Do not allow client printer redirection” should not be enabled.
  • In the user’s account (Active Directory or Windows Local Security Accounts Manager) -> Environment -> Client Devices, Connect client printers at logon should be enabled.
  • In the Terminal Services Configuration Administrative Tool (tscc.msc) -> Connections -> RDP-Tcp -> Properties, Windows Printer Mapping must not be disabled, and connect client printers at logon should be enabled.
  • If users are connecting via the Remote Desktop Web Connection (AKA Tsweb) the following must be set to “true” in the default.htm file.
  • The Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe) must have Printers enabled.
  • If an exact name match does not exist between the client and Terminal Server printer driver, auto-creation fails and errors 11 are written to the system event log. For this client printer auto-creation to happen, several conditions must exist: Print jobs created in the user’s session are routed from the Terminal Server to the associated client printer by way of a virtual channel in the RDP Protocol.

    windows terminal services port windows terminal services port

    If the name of the client printer driver matches “exactly” that of a printer driver that is installed on the Terminal Server, or is listed in the ntprint.inf (the file that lists the printer drivers that are built-in to the Windows Server installation, and can be loaded on demand) the client printer is successfully auto-created. When a user logs on to a Windows Terminal Server with the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client, the client sends information about the client’s printers to the Terminal Server. The Terminal Server uses this information to auto-create printers in the user’s session that correlate to the user’s local or network printers.

    Windows terminal services port